Nectar Premium Pillow review

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Nectar Sleep pillow

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The Nectar Premium Foam Pillow is an innovative take on the traditional memory foam pillow, using shredded foam to provide support without the constricting feel of solid foam. The quilted cover made with Tencel cooling fabric and the mesh border improve airflow and keep the pillow cool on hot nights, making it an ideal choice for side and back sleepers. The pillow is also surprisingly affordable, however, if you prefer solid blocks of memory foam then this may not be the pillow for you.

When it comes to getting a good night’s sleep, your pillow setup is arguably more important than your mattress.

A pillow that is too firm will be higher than a softer one. If your pillow is too high, then it can have a negative affect on your spinal alignment as you sleep. Conversely, if your pillow is too soft it will also be too low. This means your head will be at the incorrect angle and it will put pressure on your neck.

Regardless of whether your pillow is too firm or too soft, you’re not going to be getting a decent rest. Instead you will be tossing and turning throughout the night. Many sleep problems can be routed back to having an incorrect pillow setup, such as:

  • Snoring
  • Back pain
  • Neck pain
  • Recurring headaches

For people who tend to get hot while they sleep, the incorrect pillow can also cause restlessness. This is because they are constantly moving and flipping the pillow throughout the night to find the cooler area.

Overview: Nectar Premium Foam Pillow

Nectar pillow unboxed
The great thing about the Nectar pillow is the fact that you can adjust the amount of foam inside

Whether you’re a regular reader of this website, or you’ve been in the market for a new mattress at any point over the last few years, you’ve probably heard of the Nectar Sleep mattress. It’s probably the best-selling ‘bed in a box’ mattresses out there. As well as one of the most popular mattresses in the UK.

The people behind the Nectar Sleep mattress realised that there was a need for a better pillow, so they set about creating their own. The result was a pillow whose quality and adaptability matched that of their mattress. You can now buy the Nectar Sleep pillow either on its own or bundled with a Nectar mattress.

Reasons to buy a Nectar Pillow

At £70 for a pair, the Nectar Sleep pillow is by no means cheap when compared to the offerings you get from all of the usual retailers that sell pillows. So naturally you would need at least a few good reasons to splurge the cash and buy yourself a couple. The Nectar pillow may be suitable for you if:

  • You’re looking to buy a new, high quality pillow. The majority of cheaper pillows consist of either a single piece of foam, shredded poly foam or a load of random feathers. The Nectar pillow however contains high quality foams that result in a customised experience. So, if you’re looking for a pillow that offers a bit more, the Nectar pillow could be ideal for you.
  • You get hot when you sleep. Nectar have invested a lot into making sure that their products keep you cool during the night. The Nectar pillow features a quilted memory foam outer shell and a moisture wicking Tencel cover coupled with breathable cooling foams. So, if you get hot when you sleep and you’re looking for a memory foam pillow, then the Nectar pillow is worth a punt.
  • You don’t mind spending more on quality. As far as pillows go, the Nectar pillow is quite expensive if you’re used to buying your pillows from high street retailers and department stores. However, in terms of price it’s mid-range. For a fully customisable pillow that has been designed to suit you perfectly, £35 is not really that much to pay for a good night’s sleep. And due to the quality of the adaptive and responsive foams that the Nectar pillow is made from, it won’t sag and get flat like a traditional foam pillow. Instead it will bounce back time and time again for many years to come.

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Nectar Premium Pillow: Construction

Nectar only make one type of pillow in the UK.

However, it is made in such a way that everyone can customise it to suit their needs. To obtain this, the Nectar pillow has a “pillow-in-pillow” design, which is basically a pillow made from two individual pillows.

The inner pillow or shell of the Nectar pillow is filled with no less than three different types of shredded foam. These are:

Type of foamPurpose
Visco-elastic memory foamContour and comfort
Dunlop latexRebound and responsiveness
Up foamSpine alignment

All of these foams are contained within the shell with a zipped enclosure. The Nectar pillow comes pre-filled with these three types of foam. The idea is that you can remove foam as necessary to get a pillow that is completely tailored for your comfort. This is a great feature for those of us who like memory foam pillows, but often find them far too high or too firm.

A good tip is to keep the leftover foam that you don’t require. That way you can add it if needed at any stage throughout the life of your pillow. You’re then left with a pillow that is not only responsive but is also cool and supportive at the same time. Unlike the MyPillow, the pieces of shredded foam within the Nectar pillow are small enough that you can’t feel the corners of the individual pieces as you try to sleep. However, they are simultaneously large enough to work together to provide enough support and loft to the pillow. So, with the Nectar pillow you’re effectively getting the best of both worlds.

Who is the Nectar Pillow best suited to?

It doesn’t matter whether you’re a back sleeper or a side sleeper. The Nectar pillow has been designed in such a way that it can be fully customised. This means it can be adapted to any type of sleeping position. It is simply a case of adding and removing the foam as required to get the right setup for you needs.

People who sleep on their backs tend to not like memory foam pillows so much, because they are too high or too stiff. However, the majority of the best reviews of the Nectar pillow are from back sleepers. The fact that the pillow can be customised to your individual needs is no doubt the reason why Nectar have so many customers who are satisfied with their pillow.

Due to its rather thick overall feel, the Premium Nectar pillow is not the best option for stomach sleepers. Those who sleep on their stomachs need a flatter pillow so that their head and neck can rest in a neutral position in relation to their spine. A high loft pillow, such as the Premium Nectar, can force your neck into an awkward position, increasing your risk of pain and discomfort. Although it’s possible that some stomach sleepers have found success with the Nectar pillow, it is not ideally suited to this posture in my opinion.

Sleeping PositionSuitability
Back sleepersSuited
Side sleepersSuited
Stomach sleepersNot suited

Nectar Premium Pillow: Cooling Technology

Similar to the Nectar Memory Foam mattress, the Nectar pillow is quite cool to sleep on. The Tencel fabric that the pillow cover is made from is moisture-wicking and breathable, making it idea for people who tend to get hot when they sleep.

The Nectar pillow is designed in such a way that there is sufficient spacing between the individual chunks of foam. This allow the air in the inner shell to circulate more freely and offer more of a cooling sensation. The inner shell of the pillow contains the latex foam, which is cooling on its own.

There is still memory foam in the outer shell of the Nectar pillow. The outer shell is quilted, which further promotes the circulation of air. The outer and inner structure of the pillow combined mean that your head won’t sink into it too much unless of course you have removed too much foam. Nectar claim that with this pillow you will always be sleeping on the cool side.

Nectar Pillow: Trial Period

Unlike the Nectar mattress, there is no sleep trial period for the Nectar pillow. However, you can return the product unopened within 90 days of purchase, or 30 days if you have opened it. Although this is not quite as flexible as a trial period, it does allow you a bit of time to try the pillow out and make sure that there are no manufacturing defects or problems with it.

All in all, the Nectar pillow is probably the best premium pillow you can but at the mid-point price range. The Nectar pillow is a great all-round memory foam pillow. However, it is particularly good if you’re a back sleeper. The fact that this pillow is customisable means that back sleepers won’t have the issue of the pillow being too firm or too high.

The Nectar pillow is also great for those who get hot while they sleep. It is probably one of the most effective pillows on the market today in terms of cooling technology. So, for back sleepers who like memory foam and tend to get hot when they sleep, this is probably the best pillow available.

What other pillows are there?

Consider either of these:

  • The Simba Hybrid pillow is adjustable and breathable, but more expensive than the Premium Nectar Pillow.
  • The Eve Mattress Topper provides great support and breathability, but it is one of the most expensive toppers on the market.

Here at WhatMattress we take mattress research seriously - all our product tests are done as fairly and honestly as possible.

That's quite a bold claim, but we're proud of the attention to detail that you're hopefully seeing within our reviews. Our methodology sets us apart from many other review websites. I like to think this is because WhatMattress is only run by two people - Carrie and Anthony. Over the years we've hand-tested multiple mattresses, pillow and other bedding products - so that you don't have to!

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  • We make sure to live with the mattress for at least a week.
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  • And in most cases, we've bought the mattress ourselves and haven't been given a free one.

Verdict on the Nectar Premium Pillow

In conclusion, the Premium Nectar cushion is an outstanding option for side and back sleepers seeking a supportive and breathable memory foam cushion. It stands out from the crowd thanks to its innovative design, which includes a mesh border for airflow and Tencel cooling fabric.

The reasonably priced pillow set is likewise excellent value. It’s only available in one size, therefore it may not be practical for stomach sleepers. The cover is not removable for machine washing, which could add to the upkeep. If you’re looking for a supportive, pressure-relieving, and breathable cushion, go no further than the Premium Nectar cushion.

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Where can I buy a Nectar pillow?

There is no shortage of retailers selling the Nectar Pillow online. However we recommend purchasing directly from Nectar Sleep as this way you can be sure you're taking advantage of any current offers or deals.

Is the Nectar Pillow suitable for back sleepers?

Yes! Unlike most memory foam pillows out there, the Nectar pillow is brilliant for back sleepers. Pillow firmness is often an issue with back sleepers, and with the Nectar pillow you can remove foam as required.

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  • 23rd April 2023
    Current Article - By Carrie Taylor
  • 15th May 2023
    Checked & Reviewed - By Jean Marshall
  • 30th November 2020
    Copy Edited - By Anthony Maxwell
  • 18th March 2024
    Reviewed - By Anthony Maxwell

One comment on “Nectar Premium Pillow review

  1. you didnt mention that you have to unstitch the inner cover to get the foam out so once you did that you wouldn’t be able to return it if you didn’t like it?

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